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The OCD Recovery Center

Phone: 888-405-7627 Fax: 866-892-0348     URL:


The source document for this certification test can be obtained by sending $65.00 U.S. to “OCD Recovery Center” at the above address.


NAME:  _______________________________________________________    Date: ________________________


INSTRUCTIONS:  Please Circle  T  for true, F  for false, or the appropriate letter or write in your answer for each item.  You may use the instructional materials you received if needed, but first try to answer each question unaided.


1.  T   F   Epidemiological studies consistently find Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is relatively rare.


2.  T   F   Even under optimal conditions, psychotropic medications provide most patients                                                    

                suffering from Obsessive Compulsive (OC) Disorders with than 40-60% relief.


3.  T   F   The Prepontine Cistern is the region of the brain most frequently associated with OC disorders.


4.  T   F   Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorders (OCPD) is thought to be more biological in it’s

                origins than Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


5.  T   F   O-OCD or “Pure Obsessions” are the most common form of obsessive-compulsive problem.


6.  Developing “slogans” or affirmations are often helpful for the OC sufferer because:

A.      They provide a way to desensitize to the anxiety

B.  They act as reminders of skills one has developed in treatment.

C.  They reduce feelings of dissociation.

D.  They assist in keeping a steady pace in the recovery process.

E.  Both (b) and (d)

F.  (Both (a) and (d)


7.  T   F   Trichotillomania is characterized by multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics.


8.  T   F   In The OCD Cycle “Obsession Inoculation” is the treatment strategy of choice for the

               “Compulsive” phase of the cycle.


9.  The “One Second Rule” assists the OC patient in avoiding _____________________________ .


10. Children growing up with an OC disorder are likely to experience difficulties with:

A.  Sleep                                                 B.  Security and Safety

C.  Relationships                                   D.  Congruency and Communication

E.  All of the above


11. Individuals with an OC disorder are more likely than normals to develop:

A.  Artistic abilities                                               B.  Wanderlust

C.  Depression                                                       D.  Feelings of grandiosity


12.  Name three tools for “Obsession Inoculation.”    ___________     ____________     _____________


13.  T   F   A dry mouth, tense muscles, racing thoughts, “tunnel vision” and gastrointestinal distress

           are all common symptoms of the “Moderate Stage” of anxiety.


14.  T   F   “Self-medicators” provide the OC sufferer with only temporary relief from the struggles

           of dealing with their obsessions and compulsions.


15.  Habit reversal training is typically not the primary treatment tool for:

A.       Trichotillomania                                             B.  Body Dysmorphic Disorder

C.  Stereotypic Movement Disorders  D.  Tourette’s Disorder


16.  T   F   In the “Second of the Five Stages of OC Recovery” much of the work of Exposure and Response

          Prevention behavior therapy has already been completed.


NAME:  _______________________________________________________    Date: ________________________


17.  The best example of exposure-based therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder is:

A.  Removing mirrors from the patient’s house.

B.  Advising the patient to avoid visiting plastic surgeons.

C.  Asking the individual to appear in public without special coverings for the area of their body they imagine is “defective”.


18.  T   F   The majority of the “16 Keys To Recovery” are devoted to lifestyle and self-care.


19.  Which is not true of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibiting drugs:

A.       Initial worsening of symptoms may indicate an eventually favorable response.

B.        Work better for primarily obsessional OCD than for primarily compulsive OCD.

C.       Cause sexual dysfunction in approximately 60% of patients.

D.      Often cause more side effects in complex and long-term patients.


20.  T   F   All OC disorders have in common that they are driven or “fueled” by anxiety.


21.  T   F   Support groups are typically not helpful for persons with OCD.


22.  The Seven Steps to Fighting OCD Episodes are:

____________________________________                            _____________________________

____________________________________                            _____________________________

____________________________________                            _____________________________



23.    T   F   Once an individual has developed a particular form of obsession (e.g. contamination,

           symmetry, scrupulosity) there is very little chance the individual will develop other forms  

           or types of obsessions.


24.   Exposure and Response Prevention can be categorized as which of the following forms of behavioral treatment:

A.  Progressive desensitization                                          B.  Progressive escallation

C.  Habituation                                                                       D.  Operant conditioning

E.  Both C and B                                                                    F. Both C and D


25.  “Disqualifying the positive” is a common form of ____________________________________ .


26.  T   F   Exposure and Response Prevention behavior therapy is a form of desensitization.


27.  The first main task in dealing with obsessions is to “separate oneself mentally from them”.  The

           Second main task is to __________________________________ .


28.  T   F   The first step in treating an impulse control problem such as Trichotillomania is:

A.  Defining the process of thought distortion                                              B.  Learning stimulus control strategies

C.  Massed negative practice                                                              D.  Assessment of the behavior


29.  Which of the following is not a core fear of Hoarders:

A.  Financial difficulties                                                                       B.  Missed opportunities

C.  Experiencing loss                                                                             D.  Forgetting something important


30.  An Integrative Healthcare option for alleviating depression associated with OC disorders that has

           compared favorably in research with SSRI prescription drugs and often works more rapidly is:

A.      Kava Kava                                                                                      B.  Passion Flower

C.    SAMe                                                                                              D.  Qigong


31.  T   F   Having an “Emergency Plan” on a “Carry Card” is an essential tool for relapse prevention.