Self-Care and Tools for OCD Recovery
- Stress Management
- Sleep Hygiene
- Daily schedule: Time management, pacing, balance, breaks
- Self-ownership
- Morning feelings
- Assertive Communication (especially helpful for those with obsessions of harming others)
- Financial Balance
- Avoidance of major and multiple stressors
- Diet
- Avoid sugar and refined foods
- Avoid caffeine
- Relaxation Response Training
- Breathing
- Slower, deeper, more conscious
- Select your technique
- Tongue placement
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
- Autogenics
- Meditation
- Special Resources
- Books and tapes
- Yoga
- Prayer / Higher Power
- Centering practice
- Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES)
- Tai Chi and Qigong
- Aerobic exercise
- Anxiety Self-Care Protocol
- Phytomedicinal and Nutritional Resources
- Free Form Amino-Acid Complex
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid
- B-100 Complex
- Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
- N,N-Dimethylglycine
- Inositol
- 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophane (5-HTP)
- St. John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)
- Valerian Root Extract
- Passion Flower
- Kava Kava
- Chamomile Tea
- Hops
- Lemon Balm
- Support Systems
- Enabling versus support
- Core family
- Friends
- Colleagues
- Support group
- Internet
- Organizations and newsletters
- OC Foundation (203-315-2190)
- OCD Foundation of Michigan (313-438-3293)
- Awareness Foundation
- Cognitive Self-Talk
- Mediation
- Thought Stopping
- Head shake
- Rubber band
- Onboard reminders
- Decreasing overvalued ideation
- Brain noise and detaching
- See "Some Thoughts on the Art of Living with OCD"
- Obsession-Specific Tools
- Encourage the person to feel and express their feelings (tears, anger, fear). Try and redirect attention away from:
- Ruminations and obsessive thoughts
- Verbal reassurance seeking
- Analyzing the OCD
- Focus on the positive behaviors that the person has rather than the OCD.
- "Overperform" the ritual in order to drive it into extinction.
- Provide rewards for any and all progress.
- For obsessional slowness and getting "stuck":
- Thought stopping ("STOP")
- Thought backtracking to the present
- Rubber band technique
- Demonstrate behavior
- Focus on motor intention and sensory-motor cues while performing ritual in slow motion
- The primary skill needed to transcend obsessions is to shift your focus inward (through centering, physical techniques, etc.) and then actively relax
- Feelings versus thoughts
- Always de-escalate
- Detaching and letting go
- Keeping focus on self
- Disinhibition and spontaneity
- Non-doing
- Saying "No" to shoulds
- Self-love and internal respect
- Choices and "wanting to"
- "So what" - Lighten up!
- Head Shake Technique
- Let go of perfection
- Be unilateral versus dependent
- Be kind to yourself - especially about your OCD
- Live in the now
- Accept everything
- Appropriate expectations
- Wandering exercise
- Encourage a "Just be and don't think." Approach on a continual basis. OCD lives in the mind. Redirect the person to experiences versus thoughts.
- Change the setting. Take a day off and go to the beach, grandparents, visiting friends, hiking, etc. Make note of positive changes experienced and take these experiential learning's back to the regular routine.
- Surrender to the feeling (anxiety) instead of staying numb by doing the OCD. OCD covaries low self-esteem and not finding your voice. OCD is the final expression of self-denial - shoulds lead to OCD! That is what depression is about (losing your spontaneous energy!)
- If you do a "behavior" - at least follow it with an "exposure".
- Reduce pressure related to change by:
- Decreasing expectations.
- Following common routines.
- Reducing life stressors. (Cancel a few, but not all, activities.)
- Making sure person knows that they control speed and direction of treatment.
- Increase physical activities which are not OCD-laden such as:
- Aerobics
- Sports
- Recreation
- Walks
- Bike rides
- Special practices such as yoga, qigong, etc.
- Remember that anxiety drive or fuels OCD. Find ways of relaxing actively and deliberately such as:
- Back rubs
- Hot baths
- Breathing techniques
- "Relaxation dots" and ques
- Special practices such as biofeedback, autogenics, meditation, guided imagery
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