The Center for Work Addiction Recovery
The High Cost of Burnout
- In a 1992 study of 27,821 workers, fully 52% reported suffering from job burnout.
- On any given day 42% of U.S. employees contemplate quitting their jobs.
- In 1989, 7.2 million people held more than one job to make ends meet.
- Fully 72% of private sector employees now report "frequent stress-related physical, or mental conditions that could increase health costs to their employer."
- Disability claims for mental and stress-related illness rose from 7.8% in 1989 to 10.2% in 1993 at an average cost of $3,000 per claim, per year.
- Americans reported an estimated 40% drop in free time since 1973.
- The average woman today puts in 300 more hours on the job each year than she did 20 years ago; the average male works 100 hours longer.
- Almost one in three Americans indicate "not having enough time to get things done" as their primary source of stress.
- Life stress plays a role in 75 to 90 percent of visits to primary care physicians.
- Americans spent $150 billion in 1990 on stress-related sleep disorders alone.
- Over 30 million Americans are awake and active after midnight.
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