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About Mind/Body Consultant Services & Protocols

Protocols: Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo bilba L)


Description: One of the oldest living deciduous tree species on earth. Individual trees can live for more than a thousand years. Used for medicinal purposes extensively in Europe and has a minor role in traditional Chinese medicine.

Method of Action: Composed of several flavinoids, terpenoids (e.g. ginkgolides), and organic acids believed to synergistically act as free radico scavengers. Since excessive peroxidation and ceel damage have been observed in Alzheimer disease Ginkgo has been found effective. Systematically Ginkgo improves vascular profusion by modulating vessel wall tone and can decrease thrombosis through antagonism of platelet activating factor.

Indications and Usage: Mild to Severe Memory Impairment (esp. Short Term); Poor Concentration: Diminished Intellectual Performance; Confusion; Mild to Moderate Depression (especially in elderly); Sexual Side-Effects of Serotonergic Drugs; Alzheimer's Disease; Multi-Infarct Dementia: Fatigue; Ischemic-Reperfiision-Protective Effect; Tinnitus, Vertigo Balance Problems and Inner Ear

Disturbances: Macular Degeneration: Headache: Hearing Loss; Poor Circulation; Impotence; also an Antioxidant.

Dosage and Administration: Standardized commercial preparations should contain the active constituents flavone glycosides (24%) and terpenoids (6%) Standard dosage is 40 to 60 mg three times daily.

Contraindications: Ginkgo may alter bleeding time. Caution should be exercised when ginkgo is taken in conjunction with anticoagulant treatment (including aspirin) or where there is a risk of bleeding (e.g., peptic ulcer disease. subdural hematoma) and for individuals with a sensitivity to ginkgo. Safety in pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Concomitant use with aspirin, NSAIDs and anticoagulants such as warfarin is ill advised. Use 40 mg or less for patients taking aspirin, or anticoagulant medications. Some amount of Ginkgo toxin is found in Ginkgo Biloba preparations. Avoid use in known epileptic patients because Ginkgo Biloba may diminish the effectiveness of administered anticonvulsants (e.g. carbamazepine, phenytonin, phenoberbital). Do not use concomitantly with medications known to decrease seizure threshold such as tricvc lic antidepressants.

Clinical Effect In: Four to twelve weeks. No controlled studies of efficacy or safety over 3 months.

Adverse Reactions: Relatively safe with few documented adverse reactions. Mild transient stomach upset, headache, allergic skin reactions have occurred. All side effects are rare and avoidable by gradually titrating to the required dose. Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematomas have occurred secondary to Ginkgo ingestion attributable to ginkgolide B (a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor needed to induce arachidonate-independent platelet aggregation). Concomitant use with aspirin, NSAIDs, and anticoagulants such as warfarin is ill advised. Some amount of Ginkgo toxin is found in Ginkgo Biloba preparations. Avoid use in known epileptic patients because Ginkgo Biloba ray diminish the effectiveness of administered anticonvulsants (e.g. carbamazepine, phenytonin. phenoberbital). Do not use concomitantly with medications known to decrease seizure threshold such as tricyclic antidepressants. If you suspect that an herb or other supplement is making you sick, call the FDA's MedWatch hotline at 800-332-1088 or contact the agency via its website at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch.

Known Interactive Effects: Can be taken to enhance standard, herbal or hormonal antidepressant, or antianxiety treatment.

Additional Considerations: Good research evidence available for efficacy in moderate to severe memory problems. Some studies have failed to show improvement in patients with mild to no memory problems. May have synergistic benefits when used concurrently with Phosphatidylserine (PS), Acetyl-L-carnitine, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Warnings: The information above is provided for educational purposes and may not be construed as a medical prescription or as a substitute for the advice of your physician. Do not use this product without first consulting your physician especially if you are pregnant or lactating. Be advised that some herbs and dietary supplements can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals and may also have an adverse result in conjunction with other medications or treatments. You should regularly consult your physician in matters regarding your health and particularly in respect to symptoms and conditions which may require diagnosis or medical attention. Reevaluate use of this product after 6 months.

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